Treatment Developments for Arterial Dissection

New treatment options are becoming available on a daily basis for those suffering from arterial dissection. Arterial dissection occurs when an artery is torn, often as a result of trauma or the type of manipulation involved in chiropractic care. Right now the overwhelming majority of research and funding is being funneled towards two different solutions that have proven to be effective:

Prescription medication interventions that work to cause a biochemical reaction in the body, which then compels the body to heal the arterial dissection issues on its own.

Surgical interventions that work to splice arterial dissection issues together again.

Medication Intervention

Obviously, most people are going to be more interested in moving forward with prescription medication interventions when it comes to resolving arterial dissection. The last thing that most people are comfortable with is diving headfirst into a complicated surgical procedure involving the central nervous system and the spine.

Medication intervention for arterial dissection works by lowering the blood pressure to decrease the pressure on the torn artery. This is the treatment of choice when arterial dissections are stable and not likely to rupture or leak. With the decrease in blood pressure, tears may be able to resolve without further intervention.

Surgical Intervention

Surgical Treatment Arterial DissectionEmergency surgeries are the preferred treatment when arterial dissections are leaking or ruptured, or if a rupture is eminent. A significant amount of research is going towards creating new minimally invasive surgical interventions that work to cut down on the risk factors and exposure that are inherent in surgical interventions. However, graft and stent placement are the most common solutions at this time.

Use of Medical Intervention with Surgery

Medical professionals, understanding exactly how risky surgical solutions can be, almost always try to mitigate and manage arterial dissection with prescription medications – many of which are being improved upon every year. Prescribing medications to be administered before and after surgery can improve the prognosis and decrease risk factors.

Spotting Warning Signs of Arterial Dissection

Recognizing warning signs of arterial dissection can help to ensure that treatment will be successful. In some cases, spotting warning signs of arterial dissection may even be life saving. If warning signs are spotted, particularly if there has been trauma to the spine or neck or if a chiropractic adjustment has been given recently, seek medical assistance immediately.

Arterial Dissection Warning Signs
Warning signs of arterial dissection include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Weakened pulse, especially in only one arm
  • Acute back or chest pain
  • Problems with speech
  • Loss of vision
  • Paralysis on one side of the body

Identifying arterial dissection and treating it quickly can help to mitigate effects of the condition and prevent fatality. While new treatment developments may help to improve the prognosis for arterial dissection, understanding that this is a potential risk of chiropractic care and knowing which warning signs to watch out for can be just as important as the type of treatment that is chosen.

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