Life after Vertebral Arterial Dissection

Vertebral arterial dissection affects every single person differently. The injury can cause a stroke, which can also have an impact on the recovery process and the long term effects. If the arterial dissection was caused by a chiropractic manipulation or other sudden trauma, it can also heal differently and require different actions for optimal recovery than an arterial dissection caused by lifestyle factors.

Despite the differences and effects, however, life can be enjoyable for most patients after arterial dissection has occurred. The quality of life can be further improved by understanding the different effects of the injury and working to overcome setbacks.

Physical Recovery from Arterial Dissection

After a traumatic event like a cervical manipulation causes a vertebral arterial dissection, it typically takes about six months for the artery to form scar tissue and heal completely. Doctors generally warn that people that have suffered from an arterial dissection before may be more likely to have the injury occur again. For this reason, certain restrictions on physical activity may be recommended, at least for a period of time.

Emotional Response to Arterial Dissection

After an arterial dissection has occurred, most people suffer from anxiety in relation to thoughts that the injury may occur again. This is especially true if a stroke has occurred following the arterial dissection. Patients often report thinking and worrying about the injury constantly for extended periods of time after it has occurred, sometimes extending past the amount of time it takes to physically recover.

group counselingSeeking emotional counseling or joining a support group may help to speed emotional recovery following vertebral arterial dissection. Sometimes having someone to talk to about emotions and life changes that have come up due to the incident can be helpful. Hearing about different ways to cope may also be therapeutic and handy.

Recovering from Stroke

Depending on the areas of the brain affected by a stroke, symptoms may vary widely. There may be nerve damage, problems with mobility, issues with eating or swallowing, bladder or bowel control problems, and changes in memory and behavior. A team of doctors such as nutritionists, speech therapists, and nerve specialists may be able to assist with recovery.

recovering Vertebral arterial dissectionThe degree of recovery may vary, but many vertebral arterial dissection victims are able to recover all functions and get back to their favorite activities. There may be a good deal of physical therapy and sometimes medications or counseling, as well, but many are able to eventually recover completely. In time, some patients report feeling as well as before arterial dissection.

If you or a loved one has suffered from vertebral arterial dissection caused by a chiropractic manipulation, an experienced attorney may be able to help you recover damages. This could help you to pay for recovery and get back to living your life faster.

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